Hai...ok hari ni cek nk cita sikit ngan hampa sume...hahai ble mse pulok aku berbahasa penang ny..ok ari ny aku nk ckp sikit ny..today 14 of june is the best day for 4Trampil..u want to know why right?ok satu kelas aku terbaek coz ponteng...hahha juz becoz of sukan tara...all the members dont't even want to come...hahaha gud right? t cikgu masok2 kelas nk bg salam xde sape so cikgu la kne jawab sndri...mmng ank murid yg terbaek kn kami sume ny???satu kelas berkomplot nk ponteng t ble dtg sekolah esok masing2 bwk surt ckp skit perot...mmmng lagi la terbaek...mule2 start nk ponteng ingt aku ngan mmber2 aku je...tibe2 tuk2 smlm satu kelas xnk dtg...agak2 nya ape perasaan cikgu yg msok tok aja kami lepas reht tu??adakahh dy mara??o nk denda kami??haha..kelakar gile da la kelas depan tp prngai msing2 hampeh betol...so do we all care???kami kn Rock....hahaha..ok i think i should stop untill here..sory teacher...:D
for my class i love you all :D...kelass yang paling best sangat...