Hey assalamuallaikum readers lama jugak farah tak post story kan??well i'm busy with my study for SPM..okay today i want to share with you little bit of my love you know my relationship with Qushaini Sabri..Alhamdulillah my relationship with him is 1 year 7 month..walaupun kita orang asyik bertekak,menangis,marah2..but both of we are still together...hahaha okay that enough i think..u want to see him??wait and see okay??

 and that is him my love Mr. Qushaini bin Sabri...


Hai...da lame sgt x post ceritew kan??almaklumla busy and mlas sgt nk post cerita...baru2 ny me and my friends in smk raja tun uda join STARWALK in pulau pinang...penat sgt !!!!sape2 yg x larat nk jalan sye syorkn jgn la pergi haha ok mmng kejam sebenrnye ayt aku ny...
starwalk best gle bgi saye coz ny bru first time join the competition sgt coz dpt tgk keindahan tmpt2 di pulau pinng...saye and restof my mmber go there coz nak ambik markh KOKO...walaupun kami semua penat kami dapt pengalamn yg sgt gle la..ok tgk gmbr2 ny ok?
woopeey...this is my best friends:)
rakan karib ku
saye dapat sijil ngeeee:D
ditaja oleh STAR...
okay itu saje...hope enjoy...coz this is the best moment for me < you all my friends.....