never and ever forget about you all :"(

hmm ok...hye guys and ladies..hari nie fara rase sedih gila nk tonggeng,tertiarap sume ade..hmm ok...hari nie hari last fara dekat bandar rinching tok thun ny n tahon insyaallah nov tahun depan fara balek sini balek...hmm ok bia fara cerita k for the last went i meet him..i feel so sad and want to cry infront of him but try to be cool coz fara segan nk nngs depan dy...lw nngs dpn dy lagi laa fara berat nk lpzkn dy...fara hnye mampu ingtkn balek kesah2 permulaan kami berkenalan...sweet like cupcake you...hmm...sedihnye nk tngglkn tmpt ny selama setahun...hmmm...fara ne leyh berpisah ngn membe2 kat sini...coz kami selalu sad...i don't want to go!!!!!!!!!!! i want to stay :"(...i love to stay at here..and i love my friends and lovely boy at ape leyh wat ayh suroh pegi jgk...hmm ok ptg td fara ingt nk jmpe membe fara tok mnx maaf n lepaking for the last tyme tp yg pegi hnye qush and yeen...hmm tape laa..fara faham yg laen sebok ngn family masing2...hmmm sumpah xnk pindah walaupun setahun j kn??
hmm he say : ala setahun tu kejap je you...pejam celik pejam celik da setahun...
hmmm tpi klw da always together 1 minit pun lama kn??hmm...sumpah xnk gi jaoh2 dri dy...sayang dy laa kne jaoh dri dy kn???????hmmm....i want to stay with him 24 hours non-stop..hah ape korunk nk ckp ak gatey??ckplaaa ade ak kesah???korunk pun same j kn???hmmm...sebelom balek td..fuhhh ase mcm xnk balek n nk spent time with him until end of my day..wahhh mcm 2 pulak....kawin dlu fara bru spent time sampai nk mandi same2 pun bleyh kn??haha ok da stop pasal cerita2 serong-menyerong ny k?? sebelom dy balek fara tgk j mke dy..ase nk plok erat2 pun ade tp kiteorg depn public so kne cover sikit laaa...hnye mampu ******* haha korunk x yah thu..sape yg ade at situ thu laaa...hahaha...bajet wat bukn2 j ak ny kn??haha...hmmm x kesampaian hasrat nk plok dy...hmm...dy pon mcm nk xnk j balek td...hmmm....tape laa t fara balek kjng balek kite ramai2 g lepaking k??pas balek td fara ngn yeen mcm biase pergi jalan2 naek basikal and fara luahkn sume at dy sementara tnggu IKA jiran fara tuh balek dri tesco...fara ckp laa mcm mne laa kn lw ak bepisah dri korunk sume ny,mcm mne laa kn kehidupan ak at sane t,and luahkn laa coz x ramai pun membe yg jmpe fara sebelom pndah ny...then IKA balek dri tesco kteorng pun borak2 pas uh dy ckp ak nk bg wan mkn nk ikot x??fara pun ape lagi nk la kn??fara pegi laa masok and bg wan mkn...fara mmng ske bg wan dy mkn...hehehehe...dlm bg2 mkn uh fara kol dy n text dy tp x angkt n eply...naek risaw sgt2 fara dibuat olehnye..hmmm till now he did't text me o call me back..where are you??i miz you laa...lw nk buad something plzlaa tell me first..hmmm...ny x...hmm...esokk pindah pinang tgh ari...sumpah teresak2 t ak nngs yelaa dudok dlm kem kot..fara mne laa penh ddok dlm kem...fara ny idop dgn kwn2 seliling an??hmm sedihnye...xnk pindah,xnk pindah,xnk pindah !!!!!!!!!!!!!beratnye nk tngglkn tmpt ny....aduhhhh sumpah berat kot nk tngglkn sume kenangan pom 3 2011...bnyk gilaa  kenangan mnis2,phit2,msin2 n masam2...i will save all of that memory in my mind until i die..huhu ayt nk bgoz j laa kn??haha...hmmm to my fwen IKA,YEEN,NYSA,KYRA(SUPERMAN),SYASYA,PIDOT,AZRAE,WAWA,AINA n anyone tht have been my fwen plz dont ever forget me ok??jgn x ingt pulak at ak ble ak da balek sni balik..and to you,hah??not you laa reader but you my super duppy boy,jgn lpe at sye pulak k??sye syonggg at awk sgt2...
                                         i love you all and i will never forget you all my fwen
                                                            both of you make me smile
                                               haha die laa ngn titew...haha..we are cute...haha
                                                                        kami berdua<3

ok the end of my sad story,i love you all guys...dont ever forget me as your friend...i hope you all remember you all guys..muah...